5 Day  Meditation Retreat

May 26th -30th 2025

Ready to deepen your practice? A rear opportunity to transform your spiritual practice. This 5 day intensive  meditation retreat, offers  a programme of meditation, yoga, tai- chi,  breath-work, group and  one2one support, The programme is designed to help you build your practice as a mindfulness teacher or help deepen your mindfulness practice. You will be held and supported by an experienced psychotherapist and mindfulness  teacher.

  • To reflect on and discuss the importance of embodying the attitudinal foundations of mindfulness.

  • To strengthen mindful speech and mindful inquiry through  the art of mindful listening.

  • To cultivate loving-kindness and self-compassion as foundational components of a mindfulness teacher.

Participant Guidelines

Silent meditation retreats can be a wonderful opportunity to deepen an existing practice of mindfulness, but can also  be challenging for people very new to the practice. Therefore  I strongly recommend that you have  had previous  formal mindfulness training  or experience of extended regular daily personal  mindfulness practice.

Meditation Retreat in St.Lucia.

26th -30th May 2025

26th -30th May  2025

Silent practice

The importance of Silent Retreats for teachers of Mindfulness-Based Interventions or anyone wanting to reset or re-energise themselves.

An important aspect of any mindfulness retreat, is periods of silent practice, our intention for this retreat is to support your personal practice. This 5-night retreat will consist of sustained periods of silence, alternating sitting and walking meditation, with periods of Mindful Movement. All vital for deepening a personal practice and fundamental for  living a life that is mindful. There will be afternoon sessions exploring the foundations of mindfulness with additional   Metta meditation practices,  to strengthen kindness and compassion, with evening talks. Throughout the week there will be scheduled group and individual meetings with the teachers.  It is a rare opportunity to slow down and give our hearts and minds the space to access your inner wisdom and compassion.

The Retreat meets the requirements for trainee teachers requiring registration on the BAMBA registe, ask for more details.

Join us to nourish and sustain your practice, in a safe, beautiful environment, with delicious  daily  home cooked  healthy meals. - email hycintht@gmail.com for booking and details

Hycinth Taylor

Hycinth is an integrative counsellor and psychotherapist, with over 25 years of working in psychological disciplines. Hycinth specialises in  working with mild to moderate mental health conditionals, and childhood trauma, using an embodied approach.

Hycinth has extensive experience in delivering Mindfulness spaces and workshops. She is a registered Mindfulness teacher, with the British association of mindfulness based approaches. (BAMBA) Hycinth is a mindfulness teacher  and supervisor with  Mindfulness Network People of Colour, (MNPC) she has recently  completed training to delivery mindfulness from an African perspective, to help reclaim historical wisdom and healing.

In the sprit of  Ubuntu

Retreat in St.Lucia

We have designed this programme with you in mind, this intense 5 day meditation retreat

Day 1:
Orientation & Welcome: 4:00pm-6:00pm

Day 2-5

Morning Practice: 6:30am-8:00am
Informal Practice/Meal Break: 8:00am-9:00am
Practice Period: 9:00am-10:30am
Informal Practice/Work Practice/meal: 10:30am-11:30am
Practice Period: 11:30am-2:30pm
Informal Practice/Work Practice/meal: 2:30pm-4:00pm
Evening Session: 4:00pm-5:30pm 

To bring you this unique opportunity, to practice transformation. Through embodied practices of mindful movement, restorative yoga, chi-gong , Breath-works, and daily meditation. The whole package includes accommodation, meals, and daily activities. Based on single occupancy the total package cost £580.00 a non-refundable   deposit of £150 will secure you place.

(Due by 31/01/2025)

(Balance due 01/03/2025)

flights not included

5 day Retreat May 27th - 31st 2024

Single occupancy  £580pp   all inclusive Shared occupancy £480pp all inclusive

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